Friday 1 September 2017

End of Cycle 1

At the moment it feels like I'm having non-stop hospital visits. It's so draining and I just want some normality back in my (and Rob's) life.

It feels like Groundhog Day. We went to Guildford hospital, I had my bloods done again, had an ECG done again and then met with Avril. We talked through my symptoms and about how sad I feel. I just really feel low. I need to pull myself out of this pit of sadness but at the moment it just feels like I'm wading through sand. I told Avril about my tooth pain and she said I was to keep an eye on it. She also checked my last bone scan and there were no mets in my skull or jaw which is a good sign. It doesn't explain the pain though, perhaps I have been clenching my teeth in my sleep but it just feels really localised.

Anyway, after an hours' delay, we met with TC. My QT rhythm was normal so I'm back on the largest dose of ribociclib - 3 pills. I'm bloody nervous of this but I have to try and trust that they know best.

I asked TC about the dependence on zopiclone and he said not to worry, if it's helping me sleep then just to carry on with it and prescribed me another month's worth. I hate how it gives me a metal taste in my mouth though and also that I just don't fully sleep still. Everything I have read about it says that it's addictive, you shouldn't take it for more than 2-4 weeks (I've been on it for about 2 weeks now) and that you should only really take it if you can guarantee 7-8 hours sleep. I definitely am not getting that, I wake up all the time with night sweats. I'm struggling to know what to do!

We then had to wait around for 3 hours(!) for the next cycle of prescriptions to be dispensed and eventually we drove home.

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